Saturday, September 20, 2008

Coach Lloyd Tomer Did it Again!

Today, was a awesome day! I now understand why we must stay PLUGGED IN! I am so excited to have listen to the Coach's Mentoring call. Coach Lloyd Tomer, is a Self Made Millionaire, Mentor, and a Visionary. He has been in Network Marketing for 28 years. 28 years! I just thought wow, here's a man that started with less than what I have today- he decided to become a Millionaire. I affectionately, call him the "Coach". All you have to make is a decision, find a mentor, execute a plan, and strategically follow the plan. And you too can become what ever you want to become! JUST DO IT! (I had to borrow the slogan)

YOU can become a Millionaire in under ten short years! If you haven't already you may want to, review the compensation plan. Think back to the last ten years of your life? Did you have a plan? Did your boss offer you a ten year plan, so that you will have Time and Financial Freedom? What are you doing, today that will help you become successful within the next ten years? Some people live day by day, check by check, and based on what other people think. Most people never take the time to map out the next ten years of there life. They are living without a purpose. God did not put us on earth to live mediocre, but to live in Abundance. God streets are made of Gold, he is a God of prosperity! Coach shared 7 ways that we can win. You actually can apply these ways in any business!

7 ways to WIN in any business!
  1. Listen to the Right People

  2. Promote, & Market

  3. Do not quit your Job too soon

  4. Realistic Expectations

  5. Stay at home, Work your business

  6. Do not reinvent the wheel

  7. Be Concern about today

Listen to the Right People. You can listen to the competition, naysayers, media or you can listen to the right people. I struggled for years listening to all the wrong people. Although, I also learned from them (what not to do). I learned that the right people are the individuals who continue to build their own success. Successful people build their families, their homes, their businesses. The right people embrace the competition, not fight against them. Coach, vision, is that someday everybody will make commissions on their own travel needs. Bill Gates was a Visionary. He believed that every desktop will have a computer. Although, we are faced with so many Over-Promising, Under-delivering companies, once you have decided to move forward with a business listen to the right people.

Promote, and market. One of the biggest failure in any business, is using little or no marketing. You must share and tell others about your business. When you start a business, nobody knows but who? You and your spouse. How are you going to make money, without telling others about your products and services? The best form of marketing is word of mouth (and that is free!).You can easily market your business on a daily basis, without trying. You can market your business through listening to others, they will tell you why they need a vacation, why they need to make extra money. Promote and attend the BIG Events! The Big Events are Conventions, Red Carpet Days! Meetings, Travel parties, First Class Training, Super Saturdays. You should also consider attending other people Big events such as hair shows, car shows, fashion shows, sporting events. Those people are your target market- they TRAVEL! Mostly, every Network Marketing company have a Convention. Would it make sense to refer them to your website for their traveling needs?

Do not quit your job too soon. If this is your first time starting a business, you may want to consider keeping your job. A lot of amateur Network Marketers make the mistake of quitting their job. The rule of thumb is once you have earned 3 checks which surpasses your current income, you may want to consider to quit your job. I commend you if you are ready to go full time with your business. However, there's no pressure to quit your job. Do not quit too soon, you may be leaving behind potential National Directors.

Realistic Expectations. Set your goals with deadlines. Yes shoot for the stars! However, be realistic. Rome was not built in one day. You are learning and earning at the same time, and that alone can be hard to do. I received a call from a friend who was concern about the growth of her business. I asked, what are your goals for your business? She never thought to write down her goals. Write down your goals. Example, if you goal is to receive a 50% paycheck match. You need to reach out to your upline he/she will assist you with personally sponsoring three RTA. A Representative, will need to personally sell four Travel Stores. Your goal may be to book three Group Cruises this year. You will need to Find a Vendor and book the Cruises, promote the cruise, get on the travel training calls, take some online travel training in your back office. If it took you a year to reach your Power Team, are you a failure? No! You are successful because you've reached the highest paying position!

Would, you have reached the highest paying position on your job? How much were you paid your first year in College? Did you leave College your first day and become CEO of a your company? You are in a brand new business! if you set your goals, and have realistic expectations you will become a Power Team Leader, Coach's Corner Mentor, a Director! The secret is you must remain active, and keep building your business? Lets say, that you set a realistic goal of ten years, to become National Director (level 6) what's the most that can happen? our company will give you a Million Dollar Bonus! Not a bad ten year plan uh? Thirteen National Directors became Millionaires in under seven years. Whether, its seven years or ten years it sures beats the 40/40 plan. The 40/40 plan is when you spend forty hours every week, and forty years working for someone else. Would, you rather have a seven year plan, or the 40/40 plan? Remember, you can beat half of the people just by showing up! Furthermore, have realistic expectations.

Stay at home, work your business. I learned the hard way. I decided to leave North Carolina and visit my hometown New Jersey. Albeit, I had fun, hosting Travel Parties, attending meetings, CRTA! I met some awesome people! Together we built Rome in one month:) However, it was not duplicatible. You have a home based business, stay at home. No need to run across the Country. You can market online and offline right from the comfort of your home, and still accomplish what you want to do . The Coach never left Illinois, and he became the number one Distributor for A. L. Williams, (Primerica). Besides, the people you leave behind could use your help. They are screaming, "help me get to my Power Team!"

Do not reinvent the wheel. Why spend your time reinventing the wheel? Stand on the shoulders, of the Giants! Model others before you. Others before you, have already found the answers, or your business will not have a plan. Follow the plan, it works. If you follow the plan, you will never have to speak with a stranger. You can help one person, who will help their warm market, which becomes your warm market - through infinity! Be coachable. If you follow the plan, you are not reinventing the wheel.

Be Concern About Today. Do not look for a quick fix. Keep sharing, promoting, marketing your business and set realistic goals. Build your business one brick at a time. What you do today, will determine your success tomorrow. You will find that, in helping one person towards their goal today, will allow you to help a army. Word of mouth advertising spreads like a virus. People never forget, who helped them change their financial situation, who stood by them through the good and the bad times. People will tell their friends, who will tell their friends how knowledgeable, helpful, and supportive you are. Because you were concern about today, you've already helped another generation.

Let me know what you think, leave a comment.

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A Dream is just a Dream. A Goal is a Dream With A Plan and a Deadline - Harvey Mackay

Some of the Worlds Greatest Feats Were Accomplished by People Not Smart Enough to Know They Were Impossible. - Doug Larson

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